Tuesday, November 12, 2013

My recipe is adapted from my friend Jonelle Hughes.

A salve is a wonderful thing to have in your first aid kit. Most salves have drawing properties that are wonderful for splinters, planter warts, etc. Because a salve has beeswax in it combined with the drawing properties of the herbs, you want to make sure that the area you are using it on has been cleaned, and is ready to heal. Do not use on a wound with stitches, unless they are ready to come out.

1/2 cup herb blend (i.e., comfrey, plantain, calendula) 
1 cup cold pressed extra virgin olive oil 
10-20 drops essential oils (i.e., Tea Tree Oil and Lavender)
Beeswax (I/4 cup per 1 cup of oil, after strained)
few drops Vitamin E (optional) 

Spray crock pot with hydrogen peroxide and wipe out. Add herbs and olive oil. Set crock pot on low for 1 hour and then move to warm for 12-24 hours.

Turn crock pot off, and let salve cool to luke warm. Have washed unbleached muslin ready, as well as a strainer and stainless steel bowl. Lay stainer in bowl, and muslin in strainer. Pour contents of crock pot into muslin. Gather all sides of muslin and twist and squeeze out all oil making sure to get the darker oil that is squeezed out last - squeeze & squeeze :O).

Clean crock pot thoroughly and wipe out with peroxide again. Add strained oil back to crock pot and set on low until warmed through. Stir in beeswax until melted. Turn off crock pot and let cool just a little. Add preferred essential oils and pour into prepared, cleaned jars.

Label and date.

My Success Story:  I've been using this in place of neosporin for minor cuts.  It has also helped with my eczema, chapped skin and has been great on my rough dried feet - I put it on my feet at night with socks before I go to bed.  I did this for a few nights until my feet were soft and smooth again.

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